Terminations Training - 1 Discount Ticket Expires Soon
Course Description:
This course goal is to help you to learn more about employment terminations. When you are faced with the different business and legal aspects involving suspensions, resignation, firing and rehiring an employee, how to handle it and mitigate losses.
The current climate is “The Great Resignation” Era. However, employers still has decisions to make when an employee resigns.
This course is also designed to discuss the aspects and opportunities of safer terminations to reduce violence in the workplace.
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, “workplace violence falls into four categories”:
1. Criminal intent
2. Customer/client
3. Worker-on-worker
4. Personal relationship (which overwhelmingly targets women).
The statistics reported by the National Safety Council for 2020 are alarming: there were “assaults that resulted in 20,050 injuries and 392 fatalities”. This equals almost 10 injuries per hour; or 386 injuries per week. Why are employees turning to violence at work?
Beginners to intermediate level of HR knowledge.
Course Duration:
1 Hour
Key Points:
It’s a challenge to terminate employees, especially when workplace violence and mental wellness concerns is high.
Understanding when managers can independently make decisions, and when they should involve others.
Emphasis on a termination flow and protocol to help mitigate any losses and violence.
Overall Support:
Included in your training is a free 30 minutes zarlun.com consultation that you may use if you need help regarding terminations. Expires December 31, 2024.
Refund Policy:
Will consider on a case-by-case basis prior to course access. We encourage you to commit before you register. Feel free to ask us any questions before you register.